Available Stationery and Printed Items
As of January 2022, branded, printed stationery items have been created for all Office of the President and University of Nebraska System offices and units—including university-wide institutes, University of Nebraska High School, and University of Nebraska Online.
The following printed stationery items are available:
- Stationery (digital)
- Stationery (printed on watermarked paper with the NU seal)
- Envelopes (#10)
- Business cards0
- Flat notecards (5”x7”) and envelopes (A7)
- Folded notecards (5”x7”) and envelopes (A7)
- Notepads (4”x6”)
- White pocket folders (9”x12”)
For brand consistency, use these approved templates only for your office or unit’s stationery needs. Requests for additional printed or digital stationery items should be submitted to Ryan Rothman in the Office of External Relations.
As we continue the transition to the new NU System/Office of the President brand, please use up all existing printed stationery items before requesting new ones.
Most units will be asked to use the office versions of their stationery (Office of Business and Finance, Office of the Provost, etc.) A select few departments have a business case to need their own stationery, and they have received an exception to this.
To make sure orders are cost-efficient, minimum orders of stationery items have been set:
- Minimum order of printed letterhead and envelopes: 500 sheets
- Minimum order of business cards: 250
- Minimum order of flat or folded 5x7 notecard and envelope set: 250
- Minimum order of 4”x6” notepads: 10
U-Wide Stationery Guide
Contact Information for Stationery Orders
The printed stationery items listed above are all available to purchase through UNL Print Services. You can place an order directly from Jaamie Klein at UNL Print Services or through Ryan Rothman in the Office of External Relations.
If you have a need for a printed stationery item that is not on the approved list, please contact Ryan Rothman. The External Relations team approves and develops all new printed stationery requests in compliance with the NU System Brand Guide, Brand Transition Guide and University-Wide Stationery Guide.
Presidential Stationery and the Seal

The seal will be used on all official Presidential communication, the Presidential website, and all other print and digital items pertaining to the President.
A unique stationery set has been created for sole use by the President, which includes the seal embossed in gold foil on cream paper.

Board Policy on the University Seal: RP-1.4.1
The corporate seal of the Board of Regents, adopted February 26, 1944, shall be used in all ordinary business transactions, such as conveyances of land and other contracts made by the Board of Regents, where a seal is required by law or by the Bylaws, or by special action of the Board of Regents.
The corporate seal of the Board of Regents, adopted February 26, 1944, shall be used in all ordinary business transactions, such as conveyances of land and other contracts made by the Board of Regents, where a seal is required by law or by the Bylaws, or by special action of the Board of Regents.
Use of the University of Nebraska seal should be reserved for formal and “official” uses by the University.
Non-Presidential Use of the Seal
The seal is used on the new University of Nebraska System’s non-presidential stationery. This stationery is created for staff who work in the Office of the President and who are communicating officially on behalf of the university. The seal is also used on official university communication channels such as social media.
Please note that the seal is not a logo and should not be used in place of the NU System logo, such as on presentations, meeting agendas, notepads, or other internal, non-official or non-Presidential items. Any new potential use of the seal must be run through the Office of External Relations.

University-Wide Stationery System
The NU System/Office of the President stationery set was created to better match the University-wide stationery system initially developed in 2019.
As part of the strategic thinking that emerged from the 2016 BRT process, the Chief Marketing and Communication Officers examined smarter ways to invest NU’s communication dollars. They also looked to accommodate the new business realities the BRT process created—including university-wide service groups, partnerships, and shared positions and dual appointments across campuses.
To address business realities, create alignment across the University and save money, the Chief Marketing and Communication Officers and their teams created a plan to refresh the U-wide stationery
system, with an intentional shift towards highlighting each campus icon. The NU stationery set had not been touched in over a decade and didn’t accommodate the University’s business needs—including shared or dual roles across campuses. There was also an opportunity to audit paper costs and usage, look at more competitive pricing, and create efficiencies and standardization between campus print shops.
All four campuses worked together to create a smart, flexible stationery system that accommodated practical needs, elevated campus icons, showed unity across the university, and saved time and dollars. The teams also worked with Print Services to develop a seamless transition for new stationery requests.
The refreshed stationery set standardized paper use, created long-term savings in bulk purchasing and leveraged collective buying power. This internal change evolved the approved stationery standard and aligned printing processes across the NU system.

Available Promotional Items
In order to protect the University of Nebraska System and Office of the President brand—and given that we’re all representing the president of the university system beyond our individual departments—we have developed an approved list of quality giveaway items that can be ordered through External Relations. These options are the only approved giveaway items; there are no exceptions to this list. They may be ordered with the System logo; we do not have or use department lockups.
- 3'' vinyl stickers
- 1.5” buttons (“I Love NU” branded)
- Black and chrome USBs (System branded)
- 3” x 5” kraft field notebooks
- Pens (two price points)
If you would like to order any of the promotional items above, please contact Ryan Rothman at rrothman@nebraska.edu.