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NU Advocates Action Center

Tools, Resources and More

Become an Advocate

As an NU Advocate, we want to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to help make a difference. And our Advocates Action Center has all the tools you need. Take a look through, and if there's something you think we should add, please let us know at

The Nebraska Legislature

The Nebraska Legislature is the only unicameral in the United States, which means it only has one house—most states have two, a House and a Senate.

Its members are called “senators”, and the legislature officially recognized no party affiliation. With 49 members, it is also the smallest state legislature of any U.S. state.

Click the link below to download the Nebraska Legislature Lookbook, which contains a history of the unicameral, information on observing the legislature, a roster of current senators, an overview of the legislative process, a glossary of legislative terms and more.

Nebraska Legislature FAQs

Have a question about the Nebraska Legislature or the legislative process? Browse frequently asked questions and answers on the Nebraska Legislature website.

Glossary of Legislative Terms

Review a collection of legislative terms and definitions.

Unicameral Update

Stay engaged with the Unicameral and work of Nebraska's lawmakers all year long. The Unicameral Update—the Legislature's official news source—covers legislative activities from floor actions to committee hearings.

Share your story or point of view.

Advocacy Resources

Before you can successfully advocate, you’ll want to know a little about the University of Nebraska and our goals. Below are documents that will give you information about our economic impact and some key statistics. (These are also great to share with others or on social media!)

Download a copy of our Key Facts handout, which contains a wide range of facts statistics on the university's impact on our state.

Key Facts About the University

Download a copy of our Key Facts handout, which contains a wide range of facts statistics on the university's impact on our state.

In 2021, Tripp Umbach, a leading national consultant with expertise in economic impact studies, conducted an independent analysis of our impact on the state’s economic and social vitality. Click here to read the report.

Economic Impact Report

In 2021, Tripp Umbach, a leading national consultant with expertise in economic impact studies, conducted an independent analysis of our impact on the state’s economic and social vitality. Click here to read the report.

Learn more about the university's impact in your legislative district, including economic impact and numbers of students, alumni and NU employees.

Impact by District

Learn more about the university's impact in your legislative district, including economic impact and numbers of students, alumni and NU employees.

Social Media And Advocacy

Social media is a powerful tool for advocates to use. When used to support advocacy efforts, social media can spread information, reinforce relationships among supporters, promoting participatory dialogue, and strengthen collective action. Be sure to follow the NU System and the President's official social media channels at the links to the right. We share stories every day highlighting the university's impact—and we invite you to share those stories, too.


Connect with President Gold on LinkedIn here.


Follow President Gold on X here.

You can make an impact by voting.


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