The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS Award to Karen Volz and Troy Volz, this committed UNK, husband and wife team, have overseen all campus mail from the UNK Mailroom since 2014. Both hold the title of Mail Regulations Clerk.
Together they manage external operations like receiving, sorting, and distributing incoming mail for departments, residence halls, and individuals. They meter and sort outgoing mail while assisting with large mailings which many requiring specific instructions and deadlines. They help all their colleagues who have specific questions or needs. They do all with an extremely positive and “always willing to help” attitude.
They enjoy their work and the opportunities it provides to get to know colleagues and work with students. “We both have had the pleasure of meeting students from around the world. Priceless!” says Karen. Putting diplomas in the mail each commencement is also fulfilling, they say, knowing the process of the students’ education has gone full circle.
Former supervisor, Director of Business Services Michael Christen, says, “As a supervisor and colleague, I not only appreciate Troy and Karen’s commitment to campus and their willingness to help others when needed, but also the integrity and honesty they both possess. This and many other qualities make them a true part of the UNK community.”
The recipients of the UNK Teamwork Excellence Award in 2020, both went beyond expected responsibilities to ensure that mail and other deliveries, like FedEx and UPS, continued uninterrupted during the Covid 19 shut down.
Accompanying team Volz today is Jon Watts, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance; Megan Telecky, Business Manager and Kimberley Orcutt, Operations Support Supervisor, both in Facilities Management and Planning.
Partners in life since 1981, at work since 2014, it is a pleasure and honor to recognize Karen and Troy Volz for outstanding work and an outstanding commitment to the University of Nebraska at Kearney and its students.