University international travel insurance is managed by AIG Travel Protector Insurance. This provides coverage for travel inconveniences, security issues or medical emergencies while traveling internationally, as well as medical evacuation coverage for travel to Hawaii/Alaska.
If a traveler is adding on personal (sojourn) days to their University-sponsored trip or is traveling with a companion who will be sharing the same accommodations, the traveler and the companion must purchase coverage for their personal (sojourn) days. This is required and at an additional cost to the traveler. The companion must purchase insurance for the entire duration of the trip; employee is only required to purchase insurance for personal (sojourn) days. The cost is $1.55/day for international travel and $0.70/day for Hawaii/Alaska travel and can be purchased at the eMarket for International Personal Travel Insurance. Personal (sojourn) days are defined as any full-day for which travel costs are not reimbursable to the traveler by the University.
Additional information can be found here or by contacting a campus Global Affairs Office. Students should contact their Education Abroad Office for details.
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