Executive Memorandum No. 4
Affirmative Action Council
The Board of Regents has repeatedly stated the position of the University of Nebraska relative to equal opportunity and affirmative action. To the full extent of its ability to do so, this University will comply with the letter and the spirit of existing laws and regulations in these areas. In furtherance of this commitment, the Board of Regents has appointed a University-wide Affirmative Action Officer to provide leadership in these programs, to establish procedures, and to monitor progress. Further, on September 7, 1974, the Board approved a University-wide Affirmative Action Plan which has been filed with the Region VII Office of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and on August 4, 1972, (amended June 21, 1975) approved a formal grievance procedure to be followed in cases alleging discriminatory treatment within the University community.
To insure the compliance of the University, both with the policy of the Board of Regents and the approved Affirmative Action Plan, each campus is requested to designate an affirmative action officer, responsible to the Chancellor, who will provide campus leadership in assuring a good faith effort in achieving the goals stated in the Affirmative Action Plan of the University.
This memorandum establishes a University-wide Affirmative Action Council to be composed of campus affirmative action officers and the University Affirmative Action Officer, with the University Affirmative Action Officer as chairperson. This council shall be responsible for:
- keeping the proper officers of the University informed on current laws and regulations in this area;
- maintaining liaison with appropriate state and federal officials in this area;
- recommending the necessary actions for this University to insure compliance;
- reviewing grievance procedures and recommending such amendments as seem warranted;
- monitoring the progress of the University in its compliance programs; and
- informing the President of deficiencies in the University-wide compliance programs.
It is expected that the campus affirmative action officers will be appointed at an early date so that the Affirmative Action council may hold its first meeting no later than March 1, 1976. This council should plan to meet regularly on a bi-weekly basis and to submit to the President on a monthly basis a status report showing along with other items of interest the number and disposition of grievances, the status of state and federal complaints and/or investigations, new laws and/or regulations in this area, and the progress of each of the campuses in achieving its stated goals.
Executive Memorandum No. 4 January 12, 1976
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