Open forums with UNO chancellor priority candidate Dr. Jeffrey Gold are Nov. 19
President Hank Bounds is inviting members of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Omaha communities, news media and the public to two open forums with Dr. Jeffrey Gold, priority candidate for UNO chancellor, on Nov. 19.
The forums will be held in Bootstrapper Hall of UNO’s Thompson Alumni Center and will also be live-streamed here. The first forum will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the second will begin at 9:45 a.m.; both will follow the same format but are designed to allow stakeholders to attend the forum that best fits their schedule. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from President Bounds on the chancellor search, hear Dr. Gold’s vision for the campus, and ask questions and provide feedback.
Online participants may submit questions during the forums to Stakeholders may send feedback on the chancellor search at any time to
Bounds announced last week that he has named Dr. Gold the priority candidate for chancellor following 18 months of growth and momentum for UNO under Dr. Gold’s interim leadership. If approved by the Board of Regents, Dr. Gold would serve as chancellor through June 30, 2022, at which time NU would initiate a national search for a successor.
Parking for the forums will be available at the Thompson Alumni Center, the West Garage and First Christian Church.
Melissa Lee
Director of Communications,
University of Nebraska