The Board of Regents is pleased to recognize Wendy Schardt, Director of Student Health & Counseling. She joined the UNK staff in 2014 and brought with her a wealth of experience – she previously served as Director of Behavioral Health Programs for an acute care facility in Washington, D.C. – and an impressive educational background. Her UNK responsibilities include administrative, clinical, operational and fiscal management of student wellness within the Division of Student Affairs, specifically the Offices of Student Health, Counseling, Peer Health Education, Women’s Center and Campus Recreation; administration of direct clinical services to students; and provision of consultation regarding health care management.

Chancellor Kristensen, Gilbert Hinga, Dean–Division of Student Affairs; Brian Schardt, husband; Wendy Schardt, recipient; President Bounds; Regent Whitehouse.
Wendy is proving herself a true “UNK Difference Maker.” Dr. Gilbert Hinga, Dean–Division of Student Affairs and Wendy’s supervisor, de-scribes it best. “Wendy Schardt is thoroughly committed to students. From the time she arrived at UNK, she has worked incessantly to improve their experience and success. She would be the first to tell you that academic success and retention are affected by wellness. As such, she has led her team to double down on efforts to increase student access to mental health and health care…Her collaborative spirit and insistence on outcomes and results make her one of the most effective and sought-after partners at UNK…People who interact with her come away with a clear sense of her commitment and her gift of working collaboratively to help students succeed. We are incredibly lucky to have her at UNK and at the University of Nebraska.”
Wendy, in turn, is quick to give credit to her highly committed team and to the wisdom and guidance of Dr. Hinga.
With Wendy today is her husband Brian Schardt, and her supervisor, Dean Gilbert Hinga. Congratulations, Wendy, for the work you do on the University’s behalf, and for doing it so exceptionally well.