The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS Award to Rebecca Dobry, Financial Aid Counselor at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Becca joined the UNK staff in December 2008 and, since then, has become a recognized talent in the financial aid profession. She has specific responsibility for managing the campus’s Federal College Work Study program, including facilitating job searches in the community service work program. Under her leadership, the program provides students much needed financial support through work. Equally as important, she has developed opportunities within the community for work with not-for-profit agencies. These on-the-job experiences bolster student resumes and open doors. Her employment job fairs, held during the first week of classes, allow students and employers the opportunity to meet each other, interview and hire – all at an efficient, one-stop event. Becca is also responsible for coordinating a plethora of aid programs for the College of Education and managing aid for students in UNK’s clinical health science programs and students studying abroad. “She’s our all-purpose counselor,” says supervisor Mary Sommers, Director of the Office of Financial Aid.

Chancellor Doug Kristensen; Rebecca Dobry, recipient; Regent Clare; Mary Sommers, supervisor; President Bounds; Martha Dobry, mother.
An active member of campus and professional organizations, Becca is a highly valued, go-to colleague who brings humor to the office and daily earns the trust of students. This year she received the Nebraska Association of Financial Aid Administrators Distinguished Service award for her work to advance professional credentialing. She led an initiative to offer a series of training events via distance learning throughout Nebraska that literally elevated the knowledge base and expertise of many of her colleagues. She also received the 8-state regional association’s Rookie of the Year Award. Those with whom she works believe that the 2016-2017academic year should rightly be named “The Year of Becca.”
Joining Becca today is her mother, Martha Dobry. It is an honor to recognize Rebecca for exceptional achievement.