The Board of Regents is pleased to present a Kudos award to Elijah Luebbe at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Elijah is a Proposal Budget Coordinator III for Sponsored Programs, where he supports faculty researchers, coordinating the preparation of the budgets required by federal and other grant agencies.

Jeanne Wicks, Supervisor and Director of Sponsored Programs; Mike Zeleny, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research; Susan Lund; Kellie Luebbe, wife; Chancellor Green; Elijah Luebbe, recipient; President Bounds; Steve Goddard, Vice Chancellor for Research; Regent Cloonan.
Given that each federal agency has different budget regulations and templates, the process is often confusing and time-consuming for faculty. Elijah, on his own initiative, has built budget tools that streamline the process and better meet the needs of our sponsors. Going well beyond expectations, he meets directly with sponsors to better facilitate their unique needs. For example, he devised a template that will save our faculty time and simultaneously meet the needs of National Strategic Research Initiative and the Department of Defense.
He is a “go-to” resource for many faculty, who appreciate his easygoing, inviting manner, while achieving excellent results. In conclusion, he is certainly a critical piece of the effort that has resulted in increased research dollars for the University.
Elijah is accompanied today by:
- His wife, Kelli Luebbe
- Steve Goddard, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
- Mike Zeleny, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research; and
- Jeanne Wicks, Director of Sponsored Programs
Please join me in thanking Elijah Luebe for his dedication to the University of Nebraska.