The Board of Regents is pleased to present a Kudos award to Tonda Humphress at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Pictured: Glenn Humphress, husband; Rebecca Humphress, daughter; Juan Franco, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Alexander Humphress, son; Cassandra Humphress, daughter; Chancellor Perlman; Tonda Humphress, recipient; Regent Whitehouse; President Bounds
Tonda currently serves as the Programs Coordinator in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. In this role she coordinates major programs in the Division such as the Parents’ Weekend, the Parents’ Association Recognition Program, and the Outstanding Student Leadership Awards Ceremony.
She also assists in the planning and coordination of the Davis Scholarship Selection Committee and Awards Ceremony. As part of her duties, she assigns and coordinates job responsibilities of graduate students helping with major projects such as Parents Weekend and the Empowerment Forum. She has also served as Assistant to the Director in the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
Tonda does a superb job in all that she does and often manages to stay behind the scenes, letting others take credit for the success of the programs. She is self-motivated and takes on her responsibilities without the need for constant oversight.
Parents, in particular, appreciate the work that Tonda does for them and our students. One parent stated, “Tonda is always helpful and courteous, which really helps a new student and their family feel welcome to UNL.”
Tonda is accompanied today by her husband, Glenn, her daughters Rebecca and Cassandra, and son, Alexander. Please join me in thanking Tonda for her dedication to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.