The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS award to Renee Hagerman, administrative secretary in the Office of the Chancellor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Renee is directly involved in supporting the vast majority of Chancellor’s Office initiatives and plays a critical role providing the assistance needed to operationalize them. Renee is a key coordinator and organizer for administrative searches, is the point for all Chancellor’s Office budget activities, coordinates resource allocations and distributions for Chancellor initiatives and reporting units, and is critical in the overall operations of the Chancellor’s Office.

Pictured: Bill Nunez, Chief of Staff and Associate to the Chancellor; Kim Rauscher, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor; Renee Hagerman, Administrative Secretary in the Office of the Chancellor; Chancellor Perlman; Marilyn Kimbrough, Administrative Assistant; Regent Schroeder; Michelle Waite, Assistant to the Chancellor for Community Relations; President Bounds.
Renee is consistently looking for ways to operate more efficiently, ways to save resources, and ways to optimize current operations. She also has a tremendous ability to manage very complex tasks, drawing upon her excellent historical references and experiences while concurrently keeping an eye to the future. We are very fortunate to have Renee as part of the Chancellor’s Office team and part of the UNL family.
Today Renee is joined by her co-workers; Bill Nunez, chief of staff and associate to the chancellor; Michelle Waite, assistant to the chancellor for community relations; Kim Rauscher, executive assistant to the chancellor; and Marilyn Kimbrough, administrative assistant.
Please join me in thanking Renee for her dedication to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and to the Office of the Chancellor.