The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS award to the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Joe Price. Joe is the administrative coordinator for the Master of Arts in Critical and Creative Thinking, as well as the special projects director for the College of Arts and Sciences.

Chancellor John Christensen; Mark Pedersen, partner; President Bounds; Regent Clare
Joe was nominated by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, David Boocker, who praised him for his negotiation skills, attention to detail, and ability to work cross functionally with faculty and staff across campus.
In his nomination letter, David discussed many of Joe’s key accomplishments. One of his outstanding achievements was the development of UNO’s completely online interdisciplinary degree, the Master of Arts in Critical and Creative Thinking.
“Joe developed all of the paperwork necessary to establish this new major, helped shepherd the degree through the numerous approval stages, and answered questions,” David wrote. “Without his leadership, I doubt that this degree would exist today.”
Coworker Lanyce Keel also praised Joe, saying: “Joe demonstrated just the right mix of persistence, organization, and tact to bring faculty from multiple departments to consensus on the creation of this new multidisciplinary degree program.”
To sum up why Joe deserves this award, David wrote, “Joe is a highly competent, task-oriented employee who has earned the respect of all his colleagues in the College of Arts and Sciences.”
Today Joe has brought his partner, Mark Pedersen. Please join me in thanking Joe for his dedication to the University of Nebraska at Omaha.