On behalf of the Board of Regents, I am pleased to present a KUDOS award to Galen Kathol, business director for the dean’s office in the College of Medicine. Galen has been in his current role for more than 15 years. He previously was administrator for the College of Dentistry in Lincoln. Overall he has served UNMC for 36 years.

Pictured: Dean Bradley Britigan; Chancellor Gold; Eric Kathol, son; Doree Kathol, wife; Galen Kathol, recipient; President Bounds; Regent Hawks
In 19 nominations, Galen’s supporters – including 17 department or division administrators – praised his teamwork, depth of knowledge, leadership and grace under pressure.
“Galen is an outstanding leader who makes himself accessible and available to others to answer questions, work through challenges, and support those of us in the College of Medicine departments. He is immensely knowledgeable about all of the College of Medicine processes and readily shares information and resources,” said Laura Robinson, administrator of the emergency medicine department.
As the interface between numerous College of Medicine departments and the university, Galen is “the ‘calm’ in the middle of the storm,” said Bryan Schwahn, administrator in the Department of Anesthesiology. “He approaches his job in a business-like professional demeanor and deals with all matters in a supportive, collegial manner…not an easy task when the budgetary answers are not the easiest ones to deliver.”
“Galen has seen it all,” said Dave Staiert, administrator, Department of Orthopedic Surgery & Rehabilitation. “More importantly, he knows how to apply his knowledge to help everyone around him.”
Today Galen is accompanied by his wife, Doree, his son, Eric, and Dean Bradley Britigan.
Please join me in recognizing Galen Kathol for his contributions to the University of Nebraska Medical Center.