The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS award to Sherry Cherek, environmental toxicology program associate in the Department of Environmental, Agricultural & Occupational Health in the College of Public Health.
Being with the university for over 40 years, Sherry has established herself as a pillar, both within her department and the College of Public Health. Her knowledge of the university makes her an invaluable resource.

Pictured: Dr. Ercole Cavalieri, Professor at Eppley Institute Faculty; Dr. Eleanor Rogan, Supervisor; Jane Meza, Interim Dean College of Public Health; Bob Cherek, husband; Chancellor Gold; Sherry Cherek; Regent Reznicek
Sherry was nominated by her supervisor and more than 20 of her colleagues. They all described Sherry as someone who consistently goes above and beyond. One nominator wrote that Sherry is the ideal faculty and student administrative support person. “Sherry is a consummate self-starter who consistently demonstrates a high level of personal and professional initiative. She is fully engaged with her work, resilient and un-ruffled in the face of stress, and runs toward problems to solve them, rather than avoiding them. She is the four-wheel-drive Jeep in our department that helps us go where others get slogged down.”
Sherry’s supervisor, Dr. Eleanor Rogan, said: “Sherry represents that rare person who functions far beyond the successful performance of her own job description. She has committed her entire career to serving the whole university through tireless service, outstanding can-do attitude and creative accomplishments that facilitate innumerable tasks that contribute significantly to the success of the department and the College of Public Health.”
Today, Sherry is accompanied by her husband, Bob, her supervisor, Dr. Eleanor Rogan, and Dr. Ercolé (air’-coe-lay) Cavalieri (cava-lahr’-ee). Please join me in thanking Sherry Cherek (cheer’-ick) for her contributions to the University of Nebraska Medical Center.