The Board of Regents is pleased to present a KUDOS award to Ruby Urban, assistant director of the Ag Research and Development Center and business manager of the Greater Nebraska Business Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Ruby shares responsibility with the Ag Research and Development Center director to provide leadership on a day-to-day basis. She assumes duties and responsibilities in the director’s absence and supervises a technology support specialist, marketing and promotion manager, and on-call positions.

Pictured: Vice Chancellor Green; Chancellor Perlman; Ruby Urban; Regent Schaffer
Ruby is a model employee in all facets of her job. Her staff enjoys working for her, her peers enjoy working with her, and administrators appreciate knowing they can rely upon her to get things done.
Ruby is knowledgeable, professional, effective, personable and caring. She is able to take care of the many details that make day-to-day functions run smoothly while never losing site of the bigger picture and the goals of IANR and Extension to bring the resources of the University to the people of the state. UNL Extension is stronger because of her.
Despite her workload and the challenges she encounters managing staff at various locations, Ruby always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. Her enthusiasm creates a more enjoyable work environment for everyone who comes in contact with her.
Today Ruby has brought her husband, Ray; unit administrator, Jeff Bassford; and her co-supervisors, Carol Cartwright and Mark Schroeder. Please join me in thanking Ruby Urban for her dedication to the University of Nebraska-ÂLincoln, ag research and the Greater Nebraska Business Center.