The Board of Regents is pleased to present a Kudos award to Mari (“Mary”) Greer, administrative assistant in the Office of Research and Economic Development at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
An employee since 1998, Mari’s dedication to the University and the Office of Research and Economic Development is expressed in many ways, specifically in her willingness to essentially double her workload and work evenings and weekends in the absence of a colleague. She understands how to get things done at the University by helping colleagues navigate processes and approvals and effectively interacting with faculty and other research stakeholders.

Pictured: President Linder; Chancellor Perlman; Mike Zelany, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research; Dr. Regina Werum, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research; Prem Paul, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development; Regent Pillen.
Mari demonstrated her leadership by serving as President of the University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association, where she led monthly meetings of the general membership, organized committees and participated in many planning meetings and events during the year to strengthen UNOPA and serve its important mission on campus.
Mari’s work ethic, dedication and client-focused service are top notch and we are delighted to recognize her with this award.
Please join me in thanking Mari Greer for her dedication to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and to the Office of Research and Economic Development.