Several new online programs have been made available by University of Nebraska campuses. These programs reflect the dedication that NU has to creating access to quality education to the state of Nebraska and those around the world.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln recently launched three online law certificates, offered to practicing attorneys desiring to specialize in emerging areas of law. The Cyber and Cyber Security Law certificate focuses on the relationship of technology to law and encompasses commercial industries and private company data as well as military organizations. The Cyber and Telecommunications Law certificate addresses electronic communication in its many forms. The Space Law certificate gives students in-depth study of the national and international laws and regulations that govern activities in outer space.
The certificates are open to all candidates who have a J.D. or foreign law degree. The programs are available completely online without on-campus requirement. Students join classrooms in real-time using voice over internet protocol (VoIP) technology with flexibility for scheduling built in.
UNL is also offering an online Animal Science minor. By combining this minor with the student’s major, students will enrich their degree and open opportunities for themselves in the job market. This minor allows students to obtain education in a beneficial area of study for several high demand career fields including veterinary medicine, farming and agriculture, fisheries and wildlife, food safety and other animal-related jobs.
The University of Nebraska at Omaha’s (UNO) online Sociology program allows students to earn a BA or BS. This online program provides students with the analytical skills needed to understand the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse world. Graduates acquire the tools necessary to improve our society at all levels – from the neighborhood to the world community.
The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) launched a new master’s degree, Health Professions Teaching and Technology. This innovative program is designed to prepare today’s health professions educators to teach in programs related to public health, medicine, nursing and other health professions. Students will gain a solid foundation in health science education, teaching skills and the science of teaching.
Full descriptions of each of these programs can be found on the University of Nebraska Online website.
About the University of Nebraska
The University of Nebraska is the state’s only public university system, made up of four campuses – UNL, UNO, UNK and UNMC – each with a distinct role and mission. Together the campuses enroll nearly 50,000 students and employ 16,000 faculty and staff who serve the state, nation and world through education, research and outreach. For more information and news from the University of Nebraska, visit
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