UNL requires that the Architect/Engineer prepare and submit relevant stormwater calculations and narratives relative to Post-Construction Stormwater Controls (PCSWCs) for all new development or significant redevelopment projects on the UNL City and East Campuses that disturb land in excess of one half (1/2) acre in size. Calculations and narrative shall be provided to FPC and EHS at the beginning stages of the design process.
Fill out the appropriate sections of this document and attach any applicable information (e.g. site plans, drainage area summaries) regarding any Low Impact Development (LID) or Best Management Practices (BMPs) being used. PCSWCs must provide water quality to no less than the first one half inch of runoff from the site and water quantity control to the maximum extent practicable. Refer to the Storm Water Drainage Systems – UNL Lincoln Campus design guidelines for stormwater standards and details to the requirements. BMPs and calculations shall conform to the City of Lincoln Drainage Criteria Manual, Chapter 8, Stormwater Best Management Practices.