NU Board of Regents To Meet Jan. 27

January 20, 2017

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents will meet Friday, Jan. 27, 2017, at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege St. in Lincoln. The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a legislative update from Speaker Jim Scheer, followed by Board committee meetings which will include a budget briefing from President Hank Bounds.

Bounds will lead the Board in a discussion about the state’s fiscal challenges and a university-wide approach for managing budget cuts. In his most recent letter to NU faculty and staff, Bounds said the university could be facing a $50 million budget gap by summer 2019 and that tuition, jobs and services are likely to be impacted.

The Board meeting begins at 10:45 a.m. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings also will be audio-streamed live at

Following are highlights of the January Board meeting. A complete agenda is available here.

8:30 a.m.: Legislative Update

Presenter: Sen. Jim Scheer, Speaker of the Legislature

8:45 a.m.: Academic Affairs Committee

Topic: Online Worldwide
Presenter: Mary Niemiec, associate vice president for digital education and director of Online Worldwide

Topic: 2016 President’s Faculty Excellence Award Recipients
Presenters: Dr. Surinder Batra, University of Nebraska Medical Center; Dr. Bruce Johansen, University of Nebraska at Omaha; and Dr. Neal Grandgenett, University of Nebraska at Omaha

10 a.m.: Business Affairs Committee

Topic: University of Nebraska Budget and Response Presenter: President Hank Bounds

10:45 a.m.: Board of Regents Meeting

Items for the Board’s consideration include:

  • Approval of a single tuition rate at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. (Addendum X-A-1)
  • Creation of the Division of Biomechanics and Research Development in the College of Education at UNO. (Addendum X-A-2)
  • Approval of plans for the building to replace Otto Olsen at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. (Addendum X-B-4)
  • Approval of plans for the Early Childhood Education Center Building at UNK. (Addendum X-B-5)
  • Approval of revised plans and a related financing resolution for the Global Center for Advanced Interprofessional Learning at UNMC. (Addendums X-B-6 and X-B-7)
Media Contact:
Melissa Lee
Director of Communications,
University of Nebraska