Statements from NU Interim President Linder and President-Designate Bounds on Chancellor Perlman's decision to step down

April 1, 2015

University of Nebraska Interim President James Linder, M.D., and President-Designate Hank Bounds today issued the following statements on UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman’s decision to step down in 2016.

Statement from Interim University of Nebraska President James Linder:

“The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a much different institution today than when Chancellor Perlman took over. He has built UNL into one of the nation’s top research universities, a Big Ten school that is a destination for talented students and faculty. His leadership on bold initiatives like Innovation Campus will benefit Nebraskans for years to come. Throughout his tenure, he has maintained a focus on the priorities that shape UNL’s land-grant mission: quality education, research and outreach to the state.

“Harvey has given nearly 40 years of service to this university at all levels of leadership, starting as a faculty member, and now he is coming full circle. He has discussed his desire to return to the faculty with me several times so I knew this day was coming. We are fortunate that he was willing to delay his decision until a new president had been selected to ensure greater leadership stability at the university. He has been a transformational leader at UNL and a great colleague and friend to me, and I thank him for his lengthy and dedicated service to Nebraska.”

Statement from University of Nebraska President-Designate Hank Bounds:

“I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Chancellor Perlman as I’ve prepared to join the University of Nebraska, and I’m impressed by what I’ve seen. It is clear that the institution is on an upward trajectory as a result of Harvey’s leadership and the contributions of a talented faculty and staff. I am tremendously grateful to Harvey for his service and commitment to the university and state of Nebraska. UNL has a bright future ahead."

Media Contact:
Melissa Lee
Director of Communications,
University of Nebraska