The University of Nebraska Board of Regents will meet Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege St. in Lincoln. Committee meetings will begin at 8:45 a.m. and the Board meeting begins at 9:45 a.m. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings also will be audio-streamed live at
Following are highlights of the October Board meeting. A complete agenda is available here.
8:45 a.m.: Academic Affairs Committee
- Topic: Strategic Framework Report – Distance Education
Presenter: Mary Niemiec, NU associate vice president for distance education and director of University of Nebraska Online Worldwide
- Topic: Strategic Framework Reports – Enrollment, Nonresident Enrollment and International Enrollment
Presenter: Pete Lipins, NU institutional research senior analyst
- Topic: Rural Future Institute Strategic Plan and Associated Activities
Presenter: Chuck Schroeder, executive director, Rural Future Institute
9:45 a.m.: Board of Regents meeting
Agenda items for the Board’s consideration include:
- Approval of undergraduate certificates in agricultural chemical application and agricultural welding at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. (Addendums IX-A-3 and IX-A-4)
- Approval of an undergraduate certificate in software quality assurance at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. (Addendum IX-A-5)
- Approval of the integration of six University of Nebraska Medical Center Ph.D.-granting programs in the College of Medicine into one Ph.D. training program, creating the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. (Addendum IX-A-6)
- Approval of a resolution relating to financing for the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (Addendum IX-B-1)
- Approval of the program statement for a library depository retrieval facility addition at UNL. (Addendum IX-B-2)
- Approval of the program statement for the Global Center for Advanced Interprofessional Learning at UNMC. (Addendum IX-B-5)
On Thursday, Oct. 8, regents will hold a follow-up discussion to an educational workshop in which they participated on Aug. 7 that focused on Board process and effectiveness. Like the workshop, the Board’s follow-up discussion will not include any university business items and is not open to the public. No briefings, discussion of public business, formation of tentative policy, vote, or taking of other action regarding any matter over which the Board has supervision, jurisdiction or advisory power will be permitted.
Melissa Lee
Director of Communications,
University of Nebraska