NU Emergency Administrative Leave is a one-time bank of up to 160 hours, created by NU on March 14, 2020 in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Employees may take up to 160 hours of administrative paid leave in the event they cannot work because of the following:
- self-quarantine,
- quarantine or care of an immediate family member,
- childcare resulting from school/daycare closures,
- or other related scenarios
The NU Emergency Administrative leave is available to all employees, including temporary and student workers; part-time employees will be eligible for a prorated amount of time. This leave was set to expire on December 31, 2020 but was extended and is available for use through June 30, 2021. Employees will not be paid for unused leave.
To request NU Emergency Administrative Leave, employees will complete a leave request using the normal NU process for leave request procedures in Firefly or applicable unit process if a third-party time system is used.
Leave eligible employees who use all 160 hours of Emergency Administrative Leave may be granted other NU paid leave options in the following order of applicability and availability:
- Crisis Leave – regular and leave eligible temporary employees will be paid Crisis Leave for any qualifying COVID-19 related reason, up to the amount the employee is eligible according to the Crisis Leave Policy.
- Sick Leave – eligible employees may use Sick Leave in accordance with current NU Sick Leave policy with the following provisions:
- For COVID-19 absences for qualifying reason (4) related to immediate family, the current policy maximum of five working days does not apply.
- Sick Leave may not be used for caring for a child whose school or place of care is closed (or childcare provider is unavailable)>
- Vacation Leave
- Floating Holiday/Banked Holidays
- Compensatory Time Off (hourly non-exempt employees)
- Advancement – if an employee exhausts vacation and/or sick leave, advancement of vacation and/or sick leave may be available with unit approval.