Although response to the COVID-19 pandemic is improving, due to an abundance of caution and in accordance with statewide social gathering restrictions, we elected to host the NU Amplify 2021 Symposium virtually. We will still offer a fabulous keynote address, relevant and timely concurrent sessions, and dedicated interactive workshops.
How is a virtual event different?
We are using the Zoom web video communications platform to present the sessions via Zoom webinars and Zoom meetings.
Do I need to register for the Symposium?
Yes. In order to access the webinars, you will need to register for the symposium. Registration for the NU Amplify 2021 Symposium is free for NU administrators, faculty, and staff—but you still need to register. as well as outside attendees. For NU system administrators, faculty and staff, please visit the Register Now page and select the NU Registration option. You will log in using your NUID and complete the webform to register.
Non-NU administrators, faculty, and staff may also attend the NU Amplify 2021 Symposium. The registration fee for Non-NU attendees is just $50.00/registrant. Non-NU attendees should select the Non-NU Registration option. Please complete the webform and enter your payment information to register.
If you have difficulties registering, please email Marcia Dority-Baker or Michael Jolley for assistance.
But I only want to see one of the webinars... do I still need to register?
Yes. Even if you only wish to view one of the webinars or participate in one of the workshops, you will need to register. This way, we can communicate any changes before the symposium as well as providing you links to the session and symposium surveys and grant you access to the session materials after the symposium.
What if I cannot attend the virtual symposium on May 11, but I’d like to view the materials later…what should I do?
If you register for the symposium—even if you cannot attend the day of the event—we will include you in the list of attendees to grant you access to the session materials after the symposium.
Are there any hardware or software requirements to participate in the Zoom webinars and meetings?
Attendees should make sure their computer platform meets Zoom requirements and that they have the latest version of the Zoom software installed. Please review the links below for additional information:
- System Requirements for iOS, iPadOS and Android
- Getting Started with iOS
- Getting Started with Android
I’ve been in a TON of Zoom meetings lately, what’s the difference between a ‘webinar’ and a ‘meeting’?
Zoom webinars allow for presentations to hundreds of attendees at one time. You’ll be able see the panelists but your video/audio will be off automatically. Attendees can respond to polls and ask questions, but the chat function is disabled—we’re using the Q&A function instead.
Zoom meeting are more interactive—they allow participants to see and hear each other and hosts can use breakout rooms and chat if desired. Due to recent security concerns regarding Zoom meetings, we’ll encourage presenters to adopt reasonable restrictions to ensure your Zoom experience is fruitful.
For more details on the differences, please review the Zoom Meeting and Webinar Comparison webpage.
How do I access the keynote, concurrent sessions and workshops?
On the day of the Symposium, the Agenda Page will include links to the keynote webinar, each concurrent session, and the available workshops. You do not need to register for the individual webinars or workshops—you can choose to attend whichever concurrent session you choose. The links will be live on May 11.
There are so many great sessions available! Will the presentations be available after the conference?
Yes, each of the concurrent sessions will be recorded using the built-in Zoom functionality. After the conference, we will process these video recordings and make them available on the symposium website for attendees to view. We’ll let you know when the recordings are available via an email announcement to attendees.
I have a question that isn’t addressed here. Who should I contact for help?
For questions related to the symposium, or if you are a presenter with a question, please contact Marcia Dority-Baker or Michael Jolley. For sponsorship questions, please contact Cortney Kirby.
How can I get involved and interact with other attendees during the event?
Join the NU Amplify 2021 conversation on Twitter and tweet using the hashtag #NUAmplify21.
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