Purchasing Card
The University of Nebraska administers a purchasing card program to assist with the procurement of low dollar, low risk transactions.
The University’s Card Programs offers a streamlined payment method that allows staff and faculty to pay for goods and services in an inexpensive and efficient manner. The Card Programs include the traditional Purchasing Card (aka P‐Card) and the Group Travel Card. The P-Card’s intended use is for purchasing small-dollar ($4,999 or less), low-risk goods and services for departmental needs; this does not include travel expenses. All items purchased are the property of the University of Nebraska. The Group Travel Card, issued to faculty and staff who travel with students, pays for expenses associated with traveling for official University functions.
Departments participating in either program determine who is eligible to apply, set appropriate spending limits, and monitor activity for appropriate use. Departments using the P-Card also identify reconcilers, whereas the Group Travel Card is reconciled centrally by the P-Card team. Any staff or faculty in the department who will be involved with P-Card purchases are required to complete training. All participants in the program must also assure that the card is not shared or used for personal purchases.
Purchasing Card Policies & Procedures
An overview and summary of the Purchasing Card program:
Purchasing Card - University guidelines (effective 7/1/2014)
Group Travel Card Policies & Procedures
An overview and summary of the Group Travel Card program:
P-Card Allowable and Prohibited Purchases
Before using a PCard to make a purchase of an allowable item, the department should first check the e-procurement tool to see if the product or service is available. If available, use the e-procurement system to make the purchase. *If an item is not on either list below, consult with Procure to Pay at pcard@nebraska.edu
Allowable Purchases | Prohibited Purchases |
P-Card Applications and Exception Requests
Purchasing Card Audit
Letters of Violation
- Gifts - not allowed under State rules and regulations
- Purchase of a Gift Card to be used as a Prize for a drawing
- Paid for Gifts to Alumni
- Purchase of Gift Certificates to be given away
- Personal Purchase - not allowed under State rules and regulations
- Purchase of a microwave that is used by University employees' break area
- Purchase is a Personal Donation to an organization
- Item Purchased for Personal Use
- Pyramiding
- Purchase of books that was over the cardholder single transaction limit
- Purchase total amount including freight was over the $4,999 limit
- Travel Related Purchases - not allowed under State rules and regulations
- Purchase for a Travel Expense which is against state guidelines
- Purchase of drinks at an event which is against state guidelines
- Purchase for Lodging which is a travel expense and is not allowed per state guidelines
- Room Reservation at a Hotel
- Paid for Rental Vehicle
- Purchase of Fuel for a Rental Vehicle
Email pcard@nebraska.edu to submit general inquiries, comments, and feedback. We also support Reconcilers and provide proper GL coding assistance.
Supports Cardholders (e.g., declines, fraud/lost card/disputes; new applications; closing accounts). Supports limit changes, policy enforcement, and vendor/business assistance (i.e., MCC).
Secured Websites
To protect sensitive P-Card information, cardholders should ensure a site is secure and reputable before making payment. A padlock icon on the status bar of an internet browser or a web address beginning with "https" means the site is secure.
Sale Tax Exemption
The University is sales tax exempt in the states of NE, FL, IL, KS, MA, MO, ND, and TX. Nebraska exempt forms may be created for your supplier via the University's e-procurement tool. Other state documentation can be obtained from P2P.
US Bank Customer Support
For customer service:
- within U.S.: 800-344-5696
- International: 701-461-2010, collect
For fraud:
- within U.S.: 800-523-9078
- International: 701-461-2300, collect
Payment Services | Card Applications & Exceptions
Oksana Empfield
Paula Fuestman
Accounting Technician
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