On behalf of the University of Nebraska System, I want to wish you a Happy New Year!
As I reflect on my first year at the University of Nebraska, I want to thank this alumni group for your partnership and engagement. I also want to provide a brief legislative update.
January 3, 2024 marked the beginning of the 108th Legislature, Second Session, for the State of Nebraska. State senators are convened at the Capitol for 60 working days, where they will address key issues facing the state. In January, the Nebraska Legislature welcomed newly-appointed Senator Fred Meyer, held a hearing on proposed rule changes, and started introducing new legislative bills.
The arc of this year’s legislative session includes moving through bill introduction and hearings in January, committee hearings and floor debate on bills in February and March, and April bringing any veto overrides and the end of session.
"Your engagement will continue to be critical as the University of Nebraska System continues to help our state grow stronger for the future."
Next year’s legislative session with be a long session (90 working days) and will include setting the University of Nebraska budget for the next two years. The biennial budget is particularly important because there are only two sources of revenue that fund our day-to-day activities: tuition and state appropriations.
I am excited to begin hosting virtual legislative briefings to update you on legislative developments that may impact the University of Nebraska System and our four campuses. These monthly engagements are designed to provide you with timely updates on the pivotal day-to-day workings of the Nebraska Unicameral and their implications for our university.
During these sessions, I will share updates on the NU System's official legislative agenda, offer insights into the major issues currently facing the Nebraska Legislature, and discuss how we plan to navigate this year's legislative landscape.
Our first virtual legislative briefing of the year will be held Monday, January 22nd, at 11:30 a.m. CST. You can register now by clicking here.
To sign up for legislative updates, including details on our legislative briefings, please visit https://nebraska.edu/advocates/signup.
Together, we have the opportunity to demonstrate to the Nebraska Legislature that Nebraskans believe in our university's ability to address major challenges facing our state. Thank you for your ongoing support of accessible and affordable higher education in Nebraska.