Q: What is the process and what is required to work remotely (alternative worksite, work from home, telecommute, etc)?
A: Employees will work with their immediate supervisor to develop a plan if applicable. While formal agreements are not necessarily required at this time for remote work arrangements in response to COVID-19, employees and supervisors should agree on work expectations and communication protocols.
Q: For what purpose can employees use this administrative paid leave?
A: This administrative paid leave may be used in the case of self-quarantine, quarantine or care of an immediate family member, childcare resulting from school closures, or other related scenarios.
Q: Who does this administrative paid leave apply to?
A: All faculty and staff on all NU campuses. This includes all temporary, on-call and student staff. Part-time employees will be eligible for a prorated amount of time normally scheduled to work.
Q: What if an employee needs to be absent and is not in a position that is eligible for paid leave?
A: This administrative paid leave may be used by all employees, including those employees who are in a non-leave eligible position.
Q: How does an employee request use of this administrative paid leave due to COVID-19?
A: Employees should follow their normal process of reporting absence and requesting time off.
Q: How do employees report a COVID-19 related absence for timekeeping purposes?
A: Administrative paid leave will be used. Campus payroll departments will be in communication with employees and unit payroll contacts soon regarding payroll coding and processes to use.
Q: Can employees use this administrative paid leave due to a child’s school or daycare closure?
A: Yes. When possible, units are encouraged to allow employees to work at alternative worksites and be flexible with work arrangements. If that is not possible, employees may use this administrative paid leave.
Q: Can employees use this administrative paid leave to care for a family member who has contracted COVID-19 or is being quarantined?
A: Yes. When possible, units are encouraged to allow employees to work at alternative worksites and be flexible with work arrangements. If that is not possible, employees may use this administrative paid leave.
Q: Can employees use this administrative paid leave if they are directed to stay home?
A: Yes. When possible, units are encouraged to allow employees to work at alternative worksites and be flexible with work arrangements. If that is not possible, employees may use this administrative paid leave before other paid leaves are used.
Q: Can employees use this administrative paid leave to care for an immediate family member who does not live with the employee?
A: Yes. When possible, units are encouraged to allow employees to work at alternative worksites and be flexible with work arrangements. If that is not possible, employees may use this administrative paid leave.
Q: What if an employee’s individual circumstances require more than this administrative paid leave allotment?
A: At this time, the expectation is that the employee would use the university’s current paid leave policies and processes. The university is reviewing current paid leave policies to determine any necessary changes to remain flexible during this time and will communicate any changes going forward.
Q: Is employment impacted if an employee is absent due to a COVID-10 related absence?
A: No adverse employment action will be taken due to absences in response to the COVID-19 virus. All absences related to COVID-19 virus response, as listed above, are considered authorized and excused.
Q: Will the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) apply to employee absences due to the COVID-19 virus?
A: No. Any absence as mentioned above will not be charged against eligible FMLA time. Employees will not experience or be subject to adverse employment action due to COVID-19 virus response related absences. Employees do not need to submit an FMLA request or physician’s certification.
Q: Do employees need to provide a doctor’s note to justify an absence due to the COVID-19 virus?
A: No. Employees are only required to follow the normal unit absence notification policy.
Q: Do employees need to provide a doctor’s release to return to work after an illness or quarantined due to this COVID-19 virus?
A: Yes. For the employee’s safety and the safety of the University community, employees will be required to provide a note from a provider before returning to work.
Q: Does the University’s health plan cover testing for the COVID-19 virus?
A: Yes, if medically warranted.
Q: Where can employees find the most updated information on the COVID-19 virus and what my campus is doing?
A: The CDC website maintains accurate and up-to-date information. Each campus also has established COVID-19 planning websites.
Q: What if employees need help dealing with the overall stress or concerned feelings they are having because of COVID-19?
A: Campus counseling services are available to all faculty, staff and students.
Q: How is the University supporting employees who are anxious being in the workplace during the COVID-19 outbreak?
A: Employees are encouraged to take advantage of campus counseling services. Units are encouraged to support remote work when possible. Employees who are unable to work remotely, and are anxious about remaining in the workplace, may use the current paid or unpaid leave options, but this emergency administrative leave is not eligible for this type of absence.
Q: Who does an employee contact with questions not listed in this FAQ?
A: You may contact your campus Human Resources office.