Chancellor Gold to lead UNMC, UNO
April 27, 2017
To the Faculty, Staff and Students of the University of Nebraska Medical Center:
I am writing today with exciting news about the future of UNMC, the University of Nebraska at Omaha and our entire university system and state.
You may know that last fall we launched a search for a new UNO chancellor after current Chancellor John Christensen announced his plans to step down. We conducted a national search, but ultimately the right mutual fit did not emerge. Given that the university is in the midst of a critical period of growth and opportunity, it was clear to me that having steady leadership in place at UNO is in the best interests not only of that campus, but our whole university.
As I considered the opportunities before us – both fiscal realities that will require us to be creative and bold with our resources, as well as our growth potential – it became clear that we had a strategic and sound solution just a few miles down the road from UNO. I have paused the search there and asked Chancellor Gold to lead both UNO and UNMC effective May 8, subject to Board of Regents approval.
Dr. Gold’s leadership of both our Omaha-based campuses makes financial sense. It makes sense for our faculty and staff, who I’m proud to say are already collaborating beyond campus borders in areas where we can lead the way nationally and internationally, like biomechanics, national defense and technology transfer. It makes sense for students, to whom we have a responsibility to expand educational opportunities. And it makes sense for Nebraskans, who expect us to think innovatively about how we can best serve this state for the future.
This is a new approach for the University of Nebraska and it will not be without challenges. Key among those is maintaining momentum on both campuses as we expand Dr. Gold’s leadership responsibilities. Thanks to your good work, Dr. Gold and I have every confidence that not only will we maintain our momentum, we’ll use this opportunity to deepen our collaboration and push our trajectory even higher. Of course, Dr. Gold and I will be in constant communication, and your advice and input will be critical during this transition period.
UNMC and UNO are two extraordinary institutions, each with a unique mission, but each with the opportunity to do more with its partners than it could alone. The University of Nebraska has a long history of taking advantage of that kind of opportunity. We are doing so again – and I hope you’re as excited as Chancellor Gold and I are about the potential that UNMC, together with partners at UNO and elsewhere, has to grow its impact on Nebraska and the world.
We’re in that position because of your commitment to excellence. I’m honored to serve with you.
Hank M. Bounds, Ph.D.
President, University of Nebraska
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